Intertek Group-Sharjah

Intertek Group-Sharjah

INTERTEK GROUP ’ PANAMA  (We are the Middle East Regional Office)

ITMB: Non-IACS Classification & Statutory Surveys and Certifications under a several flags such as Panama, Tanzania, Togo, Comoros, Bolivia, Jamaica & Honduras

Naval Tek Marine: For all Naval Architecture works, studies, evaluations, revisions,...etc.

Tek Management: For ISM & ISPS Management, manuals preparations, crew familiarization,....etc.

Legal Marine Tek: Flag Registrations & Offshore Corporations

Intercrewing: Crew Documentations such as courses, seaman books, endorsements, licenses,....etc..

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00+971 6 5540403


+971 6 5540406


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  • 2023-03-18
  • Visits : 174
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