Companies & Services

Very Good Based on 4 reviews
Rated by 0.5% of 777 visitors
John Diesel-Dubai

John Diesel-Dubai


John Diesel Group was formed in the year 1979 with a vision to serve the service industry of the United Arab Emirates. John Diesel as a Group has revolved around its commitmen...

Excellent Based on 1 reviews
Rated by 0.4% of 281 visitors
kalyani source-SINGAPORE

kalyani source-SINGAPORE


We provide Service Support in the given below systems : - Flow Meter - Salinity System - O2 Analyser - Gas Detection System - Labor supply - Vapor Recovery System - Oil Mist De...

Very Good Based on 2 reviews
Rated by 0.7% of 285 visitors
Kreuz Subsea-SINGAPORE

Kreuz Subsea-SINGAPORE


Established in July 2008 as a provider of integrated offshore subsea services to the oil and gas industry, Kreuz was listed on the Catalyst Board of the Singapore Exchang...

Excellent Based on 1 reviews
Rated by 0.2% of 646 visitors
Lloyds Register Dubai-Dubai

Lloyds Register Dubai-Dubai


CertificationChecking a system or component meets its specified requirements and is acceptable for operational use.We have wealth of experience and expertise across many industries...

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