Companies & Services

JW Marine LLC

JW Marine LLC


Maritime business is primarily a Peoples’ business where strong relationships are developed over many years. JW Marine is also built around our People and their ...

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Rated by 1.6% of 251 visitors
KDK Ship Charter LLC-Dubai

KDK Ship Charter LLC-Dubai


We are a young but very active company with experience and knowledge of decades based in Dubai. Since we founded KDK SHIP CHARTER LLC, our course has been set on one goal which is ...

Average Based on 3 reviews
Rated by 3.8% of 79 visitors
King of Sleep

King of Sleep


You’re finally a parent having a beautiful child. You’re trying to do your best to give him everything he needs. But it’s getting harder and harder to put him to sleep. Ausra Cirke...

Average Based on 4 reviews
Rated by 3.7% of 109 visitors
Lambda Electronics-Sharjah

Lambda Electronics-Sharjah


Lambda Electronics Trading Ltd. is a leading provider of communication solutions in the UAE and Middle East.We are in business since 1979. Our numerous customers are located not on...

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