Companies & Services

Very Good Based on 3 reviews
Rated by 0.5% of 599 visitors
Gulf Diesel-Dubai

Gulf Diesel-Dubai


Gulf Diesel An ISO 9001:2008 CompanyFuel Control System:Single Cylinder Fuel PumpsRotary Fuel PumpsMono Block Fuel PumpsMarine & Unit InjectorsGovernors:Mechanical, Hydrau...

Average Based on 3 reviews
Rated by 0.6% of 517 visitors
Sheldon Ltd.-Dubai

Sheldon Ltd.-Dubai


Sheldon ". in UAE since 1990Products:USA, European and Korean Spare Parts for Diesel Engines: EMD, DETROIT, CUMMINS, ALCO, CAT, B&W, SULTZER, MAN, DAIHATSU, MITSUBSHI, YANMAR &...

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