Companies & Services

Very Good Based on 4 reviews
Rated by 0.2% of 2098 visitors
Smit Lamnalco-Sharjah

Smit Lamnalco-Sharjah


What we doSmit Lamnalco is the leading provider of safe, reliable and cost effective marine services in the following areas:Oil & gas terminalsLNG terminalsSPM terminalsFloatin...

Very Good Based on 4 reviews
Rated by 0.7% of 615 visitors
GAC Transfer Services S.A.-Dubai

GAC Transfer Services S.A.-Dubai


GAC Transfer Services (GTS) S.A specialises in Ship-to-Ship transfer services worldwide.With STS bases across the Gulf, Vietnam, Cyprus, Malaysia and Malta, GTS has the expertise a...

Very Good Based on 1 reviews
Rated by 0.1% of 862 visitors
Rigmarine FZC-Sharjah

Rigmarine FZC-Sharjah


Rigmarine are a young, dynamic company, which offer a complete range of lifting and marine products, as well as associated services to the oil and gas market. Due to our renowned d...

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